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How to choose a web hosting company?

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Before you choose the right hosting for your website You must get acquainted with the most important standards and specific settings that you must check before you host your website and before you choose any paid hosting plan, and the last thing you should know is the cost of Hosting

In this article, we explain to you how to choose a compatible hosting that is right for You

Let’s get understand the meaning of Hosting.

It is simply bringing space and storage space on a server to upload your site to it so that your site works through search engines

How to choose web hosting for my business?

Knowing the appropriate hosting for your blog or site depends mainly on the type of your site, its prospects, its capabilities, and the purpose of its creation. Individual websites, blogs, forums, and business introduction sites only require limited capabilities and are often suitable for a cheap and limited plan. But before you choose to host, you have to check several important and basic things, on which you will decide, with peace of mind

1-Storage space:

It is that part of the server that the hosting company allocates for your site, and obtaining the appropriate storage space for your site depends on the size of your site and the files installed in it. Video and image files require large storage space, and hosting a huge number of files requires medium storage space, either if your site is a news site or blog it contains text files and images, so it does not require a very simple space

2- Traffic:

It means the size of the files that visitors upload while browsing your site and uploads them to it. The size of the file and data exchange is an essential factor that must be paid attention to, which is usually measured in a month.

Therefore, if your site receives thousands of traffic daily, you should search for hosting that will help

3- Databases:

The database is one of the basic things in any dynamic site today, and having a hosting that allows the installation of a large number of databases makes you a flexible and perfect site.

4- Technical Support:

Each hosting provides technical support from specialists and technicians who help website owners in solving problems that they face during installation or work. The level of support and quality of response is one of the most important specifications based on the classification of hosting. Good hosting is always accompanied by good technical support.

5-Safety and Security:

Websites on the Internet are always vulnerable to penetration and viruses, so if the hosting company provides you with protection and a good security system, then this makes it a point of trust.

6- Server speed:

If your site targets new organic visitors via KEYWORDS, one of the SEO rules and criteria for ranking sites in search engines is the response speed of the server in which you host your site. Therefore, you must search at the level of speed that hosting companies always provides.

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